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Job search

We will support you with finding employment, including help to write your CV, apply for jobs and prepare for interviews.

We may be able to provide you with funding for interview clothing and transport costs.

The Jobcentre Plus will support you to look and apply for work if you are not in education or employment.

Your PA can refer you to Wise Steps, where you will receive one to one support from a job coach for up to 18 months. This will include help with a job search and will focus on removing any barriers to work through social inclusion activities, life skills, confidence building and skills development. Activities will also include ICT training and personal money management.

You can also be referred to our in-house learning and skills provider who offers career information sessions, CV design and mock interview skills. You could also be offered a place on a study programme, traineeship or apprenticeship.

Remember - Interview clothing should be appropriate to the role you are applying for and not casual.

Speak to your PA or support worker for help to apply for jobs and get ready for an interview. 

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